Create folders to organize your albums. Easily create folders and subfolders for your albums. Once a folder is created, you may create albums in the folder. You can also move existing albums in the folder.
Creating your folder is divided in two sections.
- Describe
- Security and Collaboration
Only the "Title" is required which is the first field in the describe section to create your folder. You may edit your album after it is created going to "Edit Folder".
Describe your folder with a title, description, and date(s).
- Title
- This is the only required field. Album Title must be from 1 to 40 characters.
- This is your URL to share your folder, so you can share this direct link of your folder with friends and family. Once the web address is created it cannot be changed. Keep the default value if unsure.
- Date(s)
- Modify the month, day, and year of your event if necessary.
- Description
- Enter an folder description. Use HTML or text.
The URL to your folder provides a convenient way for you to share with your friends and family without sending an invitation through ImageEvent. The URL is created at time of creating the folder and once made it cannot be changed. The only way to change the URL is to create a new folder, then move all your albums to the new folder. Once done, you can delete this folder with the incorrect URL.
Move your album to a folder easily. To do this, log in your account and go to the folder of the album and do these steps:
- Click on album number and a window will pop up.
- Select 2nd option.
- Select the folder you like to move to.
- The album will be moved to the new folder.
ImageEvent provides various levels of security from public sharing to totally personal use (only available to the account owner). Th
ere are 3 levels of privacy to select from. You may add guest password protection to your folder
Select "Shared" for your general use. This folder will appear on your Home page and navigation to other albums. You may add a guest password for protection.
Select "Hidden" to hide your folder. This folder does not appear on your Home page or navigation in albums that are not in it's folder. To share the folder, you have to use the direct URL to get the folder. You may add a guest password for extra protection.
Select "Personal" to have for only personal use. Only when you are logged in you can access the folder. You may not share the folder or send invitations.
If you have a guest password to your folder, you can include that in the URL. Your guests will not be required to enter a guest password to get to your album.
- Append the following to the URL: "?pa=<GUESTPASSWORD>"
For example if your username is "smithfamily", your folder URL is "familyreunionfolder" and guest password to album is "family", your URL will be: